NYC Alternate Side Parking Calendar

NYC has been posting an Alternate Side Parking calendar as an ICS file for a few years now. Unfortunately, the URL changes every year. It’s kind of annoying to have to remember, not to mention update it, everywhere I’m using it, so I just set up a redirect: NYC Alternate Side Parking Calendar.

Update 12/5/2024: I noticed that new calendars are posted early. It looks like they generate them 11/1. I’ll have to check next year when they actually post them. As of today I found calendars for 2023-2025. I merged the 3 calendars and the above link now serves that merged file rather than redirecting to the NYC page. This means I can see Christmas and New Years Day on the same calendar. Space age tech here.

Update: 12/6/2024: That link now merges the calendars on demand. It will always pull last year’s and this year’s calendar. It will also append next year’s if it’s after Nov 1. I’d always do three years but next years doesn’t get posted until November.