Controlling an Onkyo receiver with a Pi

With my media player/voice assistant running on a Pi Zero, I noticed that my stereo cabinet was a bit warm. The Pi doesn’t use much power but my receiver does. I used to control power to the receiver with an X10 appliance module but I’m phasing that out.

I found a few pages describing how to control Onkyo equipment using their Onkyo RI “Remote Interactive” protocol. I built the interface cable and use the Python code from here and codes from here. I also had to install pigpiod. Use sudo systemctl enable pigpiod and sudo systemctl start pigpiod to start the service (for now) and enable it (after reboots.

Test it from the command line to ensure that the receiver turns on/off as expected.

Next step was to integrate with squeezelite.

I found this man page which documents a -C option which will close the output device after a specified timeout if idle. I set it to half an hour. This works together with the -S option which runs a script when the output device turns on/off. Unfortunately, at this time at least, the version of squeezelite in the repo is too old. My quick fix was to replace the binary /usr/bin/squeezelite with the latest from here which was squeezelite-

Here’s the script I’m passing to squeezelite’s -S option (my receiver is a TX-8020):

cd .../onkyo-rpi || exit 1
if [ $1 = 0 ]; then
        python --gpio 26 0x420
        python --gpio 26 0x02f

I caller the script Test that it turns the receiver on when called with a 1 argument and off when called with a 0.

A few other notes…

I first assumed that a native C code implementation would be more reliable. I used onkyoricli which I found here. I had no luck with it and after hooking up an oscilloscope to check the output, I saw that it was distorted. The code is correct but the waveforms seem to be getting interrupted by the Linux scheduler and end up with gaps in them. The python package doesn’t try to generate the waveforms itself but instead depends on the pigpiod daemon which seems to handle the realtime issues correctly.

Another issue I ran into is that as soon as I hooked up the RI cable, my audio output was garbled. I tried using a better power supply for the Pi but it didn’t help. I noticed that the noise started as soon as I attached the ground pin on the Pi to the RI cable – attaching only the signal pin was fine. When I checked the signal between the Pi and the RI cable ground I could see a 60Hz signal between them. I believe the audio connection to the receiver is grounded and that I was looking at a ground loop between that connection and the RI port. I ended up leaving off the redundant ground connection between the RI port and the Pi, leaving only the signal pin connected.

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